Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Jason Fowler Blog Has Moved!

The blog has been integrated into the website, which means you will now find it here:

And with the move is a nice redesign and some fancy new graphics.

Come on over.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Ghost Knight with Color

I decided to color up the Ghost Knight.

If you like it, share it!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

2 Things I've Learned About Cooking Great Eggs

I've made a lot of bad eggs in my life, but I believe that after much time and practice I've discovered how to cook great eggs every time.

Here are the 2 most obvious "secrets" to making good eggs:

1) Cook with Butter

I used to think that butter was bad because fat was bad. I've since learned that is completely untrue. Fat is your friend. Carbs and sugar are the problems, but I digress.

2) Eggs Should Not Be "Well Done"

Eggs should not be dry. They don't have to be runny, either. Take them off the heat when they're still a little wet and they'll be perfect.

I also love mild cheddar cheese in my eggs. Not too much and not too sharp.

Saturday, April 1, 2017