Saturday, January 30, 2016

Blue Jay

1 Great Resource for Artists

My father-in-law let me borrow a book called "Harley Brown's Eternal Truths for Every Artist." I had never heard of Harley Brown before, but he is a phenomenal artist and his book is a gold mine of fundamental information.

If you want to learn from a master, pick up a copy of the book:

Harley's Book

Nature Gallery at Imagekind

I've set up a gallery of my nature drawings at imagekind.

Check it out!

Nature Gallery - Jason Fowler

I've been using Windsor Newton's new pigment markers (which I received as an EXCELLENT Christmas present from my mother and father-in-law) to color my ink drawings and the results have been fantastic. For me, these materials feel right.

This series of pieces has also provided an opportunity to some of the 6" x 6" Bristol board I have tucked away in the art room.
